Author: Signed by Lajos Portisch, Laszlo Szabo, Levente Lengyel, Janos Flesch, Gyozo V Forintos, Laszlo Barczay, Karoly Honfi, Istvan Bilek, Jozsef Szily, Jozsef Pogats, Gyula Kluger, Istvan Csom, Peter Szilagyi, Ervin Haag, Laszlo Sapi, Josef Hajtun, Jeno Kapu, Endre Gasztonyi, Laszlo Prelovszky and Roland Sallay
Year: 1964
Publisher: Hungarian Chess Federation
Place: Budapest
One sheet signed by the participants and tournament arbitrator. Quarto (11 1/2" x 8") single sheet hand written.
The 19th Hungarian Chess Championship was held in Budapest starting on February 23 through March 21, 1964. The contest drew 20 players with the following results. First was captured by Lajos Portisch with a score of 14.5 one point ahead of second place finisher, Laszlo Szabo. Clear third was Levente Lengyel with 13. Janos Flesch finished 4th with 12.5. Fifth and sixth was shared with Gyozo V Forintos and Laszlo Barczay each with 11.5. Karoly Honfi and Istvan Bilek shared seventh and eight with 10.5. Sole ninth was Jozsef Szily at 9.5. Jozsef Pogats, Tenth through twelfth was Gyula Kluger, Istvan Csom and Peter Szilagyi each with a score of 9, followed by Ervin Haag a half point behind. Laszlo Sapi and Josef Hajtun each claimed 8 points. At 6.5 Jeno Kapu and Endre Gasztonyi bought up the tail end with Laszlo Prelovszky (4.5) and Roland Sallay (4) closing out the contest.
Signed by all the participants. Center fold crease, some staining and age toning else very good.