Author: William Anthony Shinkman (1847-1933)
Year: 1929
Publisher: Chess Amateur
Place: Stroud
288 pages with diagrams. Octavo (8 3/4" x 6 1/2") Recased with original cover laid-on and new spine with gilt lettering to spine and cover. Edited by Otto Wurzburg, Alain C White and George Hume. Christmas greeting tipped in. (Betts: 33-78) First edition.
Commences with a general introduction on Shinkman's style and achievement by Wurzburg. There follow 92 two-movers, 225 three-movers, 117 four-movers, 47 in five or more moves, 136 self-mates (in from 2 to 12 moves), and 55 miscellaneous problems (including self-stale-mates), a total of 672 problems. Solutions, some with commentary, are given on page 193 to the end.
Recased with original cover laid-on and new spine, some check marks to problems else very good without jacket as issued.
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