Author: Brownson, Orestes Augustus (1828-1892)
Year: 1870-1886
Publisher: A O Brownson
Place: Dubuque, IA
162 page with diagrams. Octavo (8 1/4" x 5 1/2") bound in burgundy cloth with gilt lettering to spine. (Betts: 32-8) First edition.
A composite volume made up of a succession of publications over the period. Contents: (a) Rules of entry for the first tourney, dated 31st December, 1870. Title-page reads The Dubuque Chess Journal Problem Tournay January to June 1871. Includes 44 diagrammed problems, mainly in 2 or 3 moves, with solutions. 48 numbered pages. (b) Tourney No 2 from Brownson's Chess Journal, June to August, 1871. Contains problems 45-55 (various), diagrammed, with solutions. Published Dubuque, 1871. 11 pages, number 45-55. (c) Tourney No 3. Contains problems 56--75 (various). 20 unnumbered pages; undated (1872?). (d)Tourney No 4. Contains problems 76-115. Dated December 1872 and paged from 81-120. Problem number 76 is repeated on the last page of the previous sequence (i.e. page 80). Pages 101-108 printed on yellow paper. (e)Tourney No 5. Pages 121-136, containing problems 116-131. Undated (1873?). (f) Tourney No 6 from Brownson's Chess Journal. Pages 132-158, problems 132-158. Dated June 30th 1886. Published Rockdale.
Rebound gift inscription on front end paper to Eugene Delmar (1841-1909) and American, one of the leading United States chess masters of the 19th century and the four-time New York State champion in 1890, 1891, 1895 and 1897 else a very good to fine copy.
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