Author: Cordingley, Edgar George R (1915?-1962) and Kenneth Whyld
Year: 1953
Publisher: EG R Cordingley and K Whyld
Place: Nottingham
22 stapled typescript pages eith table and index. Royal octavo (9 1.2" x 8 1/4") bound in original publisher's wrappers. The compilation of the work was begun by Cordingley and completed by Whyld. Cordingly limited edition tournament books. (Betts: 25-64; (Linde-Niemeijeriana: 5337) First edition.
Twelve European masters gathered in Budapest, Hungary in 1921 to compete in a round robin tournament. Alexander Alekhine won clear first in yet another international tournament to begin his bid as a world championship challenger. Close second was Ernst Grünfeld with a score of 8. Tied for third and fourth was Boris Kostić and Savielly Tartakower half point behind. Zoltan von Balla was clear fifth with 6 points followed by Max Euwe with 5 1/2 later to claim the title from Alekhine, and Efim Bogoljubov with 5. Eighth and ninth was Friedrich Sämisch and Ãrpád Vajda a half point behind. In succession was Károly Sterk with 4, Herman Steiner with 3 and Jozsef Schweiger with 2.
Edge wear with some tears, front wrapper creased corners bumped else a good to very good copy.
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