Author: B[aruch] H[arold] Wood [editor]
Year: 1983-1984
Publisher: Chess
Place: Sutton Coldfield
342 pages with diagrams, photographs, tables, plates and original wrappers bound in. Octavo (9" x 5 1/2") bound in brown boards with gilt lettering to spine. Complete. Volume 48 numbers 889-922. (Betts: 7-91) First edition.
Wood founded the magazine CHESS, which became one of the two leading chess magazines in Great Britain. He edited it until 1988, when it was taken over by Pergamon Press. The magazine absorbed The Social Chess Quarterly July 1936 and the Canadian Chessner, August 1937. The later was continued as Canadian SupplementM, published in Montreal in typescript and inserted in Canadian members subscribers' copies of the Chess (edited by Dudley M Leain)
Occasional pencil marginalia else a very good copy.
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