Author: Federacion Argentina de Ajedrez
Year: 1961
Publisher: Federacion Argentina de Ajedrez
Place: Buenos Aires
64 pages with tables and index. Square octavo (8 1/2" x 6 3/4") issued in stiff wrappers. typescript in descriptive notation. All 136 games without analysis. First edition.
The Argentine Chess Championship started in 1926. The winner of the tournament became the challenger to the defending national champion. This practice was abandoned in 1950, with the exception of 1952, and the winner was crowned champion. 1st Hector Rossetto; 2d Marcos Luckis; 3d tied Raul Cruz, Raimundo Garcia and Carlos Bielicki.
Wrappers soiled, edge wear, spine age darkened else about very good of a scarce chess title.
SOLS 2019